AJAX & Picsquare
On Tuesday, I met few friends and came to know about two really cool things.
AJAX - I was looking for ideas to implement search on my website (and I don't want to pay for it). So I wanted to load a page in background and have a Javascript search into that page and display the search results. But, I didn't know how to get the page in background. Alternate option for what I wished to do was to have an invisible frame but it wasn't again working for me because I was already using frames and some other scripts which were conflicting with this method.
So from those friends, I came to know about this technology called AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript and XML), which does precisely the same thing. This is used by Google extensively. [Google: ajax, Wikipedia, AJAX: Getting Started]
Picsquare - Another thing I needed was online printing of Digital photos. Numerous on websites but all ask in dollars. So this is the first website that I know of and that is Bangalore based which allows [as of now] unlimited online storage for photos and also sends you by post the digital prints of photographs. Of course, they have things like greeting cards, mugs, calendars and stuff like that. Really cool!!!
Socializing I guess, has it's own benefits :-)
nice observation...u can also try www.itasveer.comthey provide a high quality service
One can also try www.printcamp.com .They provide a high quality service and do delivery across India.
I have found Fobaz (www.fobaz.com) to be very easy to use and has the most comprehensive offering
I found picsquare to be very easy to navigate,place orders and it also has the most range of products and good customer support as well
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