On Tuesday 23rd, sometime in the afternoon, when I was fully convinced of cherishing C++ for the rest of my life, my phone rang with an international number on the display. Is it Santosh (my colleague), no, why would he call me at this hour? (human nature - negatives come to the mind first) Oh shit! Did I do some major mistake while fixing 8354? Someone in Embraer is really unhappy with me? Did a plane crash or something?
"Hello, is this Mr. Singhai?"
"Hi Mr. Singhai. I'm calling from National University of Singapore. I'm pleased to grant you admission in NUS for MBA full-time program. So would you take the offer?"
When I said that I was fully convinced of cherishing C++, I meant that. And that's when I got into thinking should I say yes or no. (If you aren't aware of my confusions, trust me, you're better off not knowing about them. You need to search for some other blog to read.) On expressing my errr...s and ummm...s, she offered to call me the next day. But then, I decided what the heck! "Yes, I'll accept."
Was just browsing for new messages in the NUS Admits group for 2006. Got this one really nice quote! I think it's also a song called "Sunscreen" by Baz Luhrmann. So apt for my confusion ;-)
From a very famous speech by Mary Schmich, later popularized by Baz Luhrmann.. I quite like this extract:
"Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life.
The most interesting people I know, didn't know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives.
Some of the most interesting 40-year-olds I know, still don't."
Anyway, so coming back, I resigned yesterday from Honeywell. Will be relieved by mid July. Manager's happy, so going out won't be as troublesome as some might expect. As of now the plan to stay in Bhopal for around 15 days before flying to Singapore on 3/4th Aug. Orientation from 7th. Classes from 14th.
Bought Lonely Planet for Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. (I thought Brunei is somewhere in the mid-west. So kinda happy that I bought the book. At least, I won't be as illiterate as I was till now.)